You can profit in two ways from your lessons:
Submit 4 lessons...and (if accepted), I'll send you registration information so that you can download 250+ Fun Lesson Worksheets!
Submit 1 lesson...and (if accepted) I'll send you $25.00 (US) or more!
I bet you have folders and folders of lessons you've created for your students. Hey, we all do. We are teachers. Did you know you could turn those valuable ideas into cash??
Why not turn some of your hard work into a GIANT COLLECTION of 300+ ADDITIONAL LESSONS?
Just click the CONTRIBUTE button below to instantly download the form. (You'll need the free Acrobat Reader to view this form.)
To contribute your lessons to, just follow these simple steps:
1) Download the contribution form
2) Print it out
3) Fill in the necessary information
4) Fax it back (the fax number is on the form)
What kind of lessons?
Just about anything as long as it is fun, educational and has never been published previously.
What about illustrations, layout and design?
We'll handle the illustrations and layout if you're not an artist.
Your name will be credited and you'll be on your way to fame (if not fortune).
Download the contribute form (Just print it, fill it out and fax it back to us.)
- OR-